Monday, June 05, 2006

Not Funny

Not feeling very funny today. I like being funny. I like being able to laugh at stressful situations in my life, helps me deal. By default, I do not like today. So let's make a list of all the things I cannot laugh at today, shall we?

  • Completely Unbalanced roommate: To be clear, I have 2 roommates. One of them is Absolutely Fabulous and I would move in all over again, even knowing CU was gonna flip her lid, just to know AF.
  • Friends flirting with my ex: That is just shitty. This guy, we'll call him Recent Ex, really dicked me over. And by that I mean, RX wrecked my car with me in it after attempting a u-turn from the right hand lane without even checking his blind spot and smacked into an SUV with four girls in it. What? Who does that? And why would my friends be flirting with him in front of me? It's not like they don't know what happened between us. Is it too much to ask that they hate him forever? I didn't think so either. As a result of the accident my insurance dropped me, and now I pay an ASTRONOMICAL amount to sit in the traffic of this Big City with none of the promised help from RX. Which brings me to my next item on the list...
  • Moving back in with my parents: To say this experience is humbling would be the understatement of the century. Because of the accident I am now officially in over my head, and am tired of always worrying about money. In a couple of months I will be heading back to Small Town, America to work my way back into the black. I don't plan on being there forever, only til I am back on my feet. Then I'll be moving to a New Big City in America.

Since that list is completely negative and bitter, I think I need to make a new list to balance it out. Reasons I have to laugh today:

  • My Best Guy Friend: BGF emailed me today and asked me to lunch. BGF always helps me find the funny when I've misplaced it. Lunch was great, and not just cause we were drinking in the middle of the workday. He is truly a treasure. I will miss him mucho when I leave for Small Town.

Ok, that's it for the positive list. But you know what? That's enough to balance out all three. Never underestimate the power of good friends. *happy tear, sniff*

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