Thursday, June 15, 2006

A Tale of Two Tones

In starting this blog, my main goal was to have a place where I could air private feelings without hurting the people involved. To that end, this blog is fast becoming a dark place. The "real me" blog has a much lighter tone, and is often comedic. I feel as if I am creating two different personalities, but the truth is both blogs are completely true of me. Lying and presenting yourself falsely are two of my biggest annoyances.

My new mission statement is to work through the issues I am having with people and circumstances in my life, and find a way to join the two tones. As much as I despise the bleeding heart for her weakness, I relish her tenderness. In the same light, I love the ballsiness of the tough girl, and hate her impenetrable nature. I will begin to combine the best of both girls into a healthy, happy, ballsy, tender, well-adjusted young woman. Twenty-six is still young, dammit!

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