Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Things I've Learned

Yesterday, This Fish posted a list of the "10 things i have learned from relationships with men", here's mine:
  1. They wish they were telling the truth almost as much as we do.
  2. How to properly handle CDs.
  3. Not all boys from Texas can drive.
  4. If a man tells you "You're not that nurturing", what he really wants is his mommy.
  5. Mel Brooks' humor does not translate well for everyone.
  6. By comparison, I am an excellent driver.
  7. Italians really can't speak without their hands.
  8. Roses are not my favorite flower.
  9. Some men like romantic comedies AND big explosions.
  10. I can do it myself, but it's nice to have help.

In making the list I had to leave several important things off because I had learned them on my own. That was a great feeling, but now I need a new list:

  1. How to fix the door latch with a nail and a ponytail holder.
  2. How to drink beer and like it...a lot.
  3. I am not crazy, but I am flawed.
  4. How to accept my flaws while still trying to improve myself.
  5. How to parallel park.
  6. I am beautiful.
  7. How to eat with chopsticks.
  8. I am a woman.
  9. I am a girl.
  10. Time spent with the girls eases just about any situation.

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